Keywords:2013, 20130912, Adopt Me, Cat, HeARTs Speak, Kitten, Pet Mania, Rescue, Woof Hoof and Meow Photography
Photo Info
Dimensions900 x 501
Original file size535 KB
Image typeJPEG
2013 09 12 Chester LH Orange & White 11 weeks
Pet Mania Rescue -Chester is a male, 11 week old Orange and White Tabby. OMG, this little boy is an absolute joy. He climbed into the basket on his own, laid down and started kneading it and purring. We started petting him and he turned over and wanted his belly rubbed. I am in love with him and to whoever takes him and mentions this post to Jennifer at Pet Mania, Woof Hoof and Meow will buy him the blanket that we took the pictures on. You just have to see how happy it makes him. He is available now for adoption and has his 1st set of shots. Please call if you are interested 818-848-5512. Thanks Katherin